As a trusted advisor I stand by your side above and beyond providing coaching support. The changes and the trust built up through collaboration often lead to a new form of guidance and support along the path to achieving new goals. The goals are often jointly defined by us, taking into consideration the associated challenges, risks and resources. Once these goals have been attained I am available to assist in change & transition management.
As my client you can place your full attention on your professional and private responsibilities – my role as a trusted advisor it to provide you with comprehensive support. This position can develop within the framework of an extended circle comprised of participants from executive management, the executive board or the supervisory board. As an observer, moderator and organiser I facilitate meetings, team and strategy workshops or communication events.
It is often the case that a long-term guidance relationship arises from a temporary problematic situation. A few years back I was tasked to sell a US-based holding on behalf of a German media company and was also responsible for the termination of 1,000 employees. One of the final dismissals was that of the deputy editor-in-chief. During this conversation he asked me to personally support him during his departure and to provide guidance to him long-term. As a trusted advisor I continue to provide him with consultation till this day and our mutual trust has become unwavering in the process.